As Mind is Clear, You're Free.

Certified RRT (Rapid Resolution Therapy) Specialist under Dr. Jon Connelly, Licensed Master NLP Practioner and Licensed NLP Trainer under Dr. Richard Bandler, CHPH under Igor Ledochowski, Washington State Registered Hypnotist. Practicing nationwide online.

A 15 minute free consultation could change your life. Why risk being stuck spending thousands and years, with a therapist that may not provide the results you need?

How to Get Started:

If there are things that are troubling you, that you'd like to shift, change, overcome, leave behind, or adjust in the way you think, act, react, or even something you'd like to have more of or enhance, I will facilitate getting these things done with you, rapidly.

Step 1: Explore My Services

Browse around and learn a bit about what has been getting done for others and confirm that you are ready to take the next step in your mental health journey. Remember that traditional therapy can take years; Give me 2 hours.

Video Testimonial of Her Extreme Insomnia Cleared in Just a Few Meetings

Step 2: Settle On What You Are Ready to Clear or Enhance

Rapid Resolution Therapy is not only for clearing mental ailments. The practice can also be used to amplify characteristics that you want more of. These technologies are often used by college students who want to improve their memory and learning and for businessmen who need time management skills to handle their complicated schedules and enhance their confidence, influence, and personal power. I call these improvements "Superpowers"

Step 3: Schedule a Consultation

Choose a time that best fits your schedule, and get excited! Think about what you'll do as you be, do, and feel better! Visit this link to book a consultation: 

If you know you want to book a session, you can email me to schedule your first session at



"Chris masterfully supported me using the RRT method to clear a debilitating block that had begun impacting my effectiveness with my clients so much so that my mind would go blank. The fear would become paralyzing I was unable to recall anything. Where there had been a direct connection with my intuition and inner wisdom was just static. This block was negatively impacting my income.

Chris attentively listened and zeroed in on what had been the stuckness for me. The process was gentle, enjoyable even rejuvenating. I felt extremely supported. Within the first session of about 60 mins my mind was clearer. I had regained a sense of peace in my body and I felt connected to my whole self again. Within the following few days, I noticed a sense of excitement returning as I began sessions with my clients again. There is a freshness and resourcefulness that has been awaken. Thank you, Chris, for leading me through that tough space with grace. I am so very grateful."  

-Skye Sinclair


"Chris effectively moved through the process with efficiency keeping me on task in the direction of my desired outcomes. He did a great job at explaining the procedures while checking in to make sure we are on the same page. Chris was congruent and confident with doing the work, as well as thorough and caring with making my wishes a reality. He genuinely desires to assist others, and has his heart in a place of giving, making himself available for follow up sessions and additional questions and concerns if needed.

I would recommend Chris Richardson as a competent practitioner of RRT and I would refer family members to his practice.

Give him a try, what have you got to gain?"

-Richie Budd


"Chris took initiative to get to the core of my well-being, he was supportive in what I want to accomplish with my new-found perspective. I had made changes to better myself even before meeting with him and he reassured me that the steps I am taking are positive. He patiently allowed me to explain the struggles I'd been dealing with and listened intently. After my explanation he steadfastly led into his methods carefully while making sure I had an understanding of his ideas. He was motivational, insightful, and compassionate. I was worried about getting down to the root of my struggle in such a rapid way, but his method cleared out unnecessary intrusive thoughts helping to focus on the root of my mental struggle. I recommend rapid recovery therapy to anyone who has reached a point of personal self reflection, it believe it will reassure their mind and keep them on a path of improvement."

-Nicholas Owen

Explore Chris' Blogs Below

Toll Booth Healing at Burning Man

Severe Insomnia Cleared in a Few Sessions

How Do I Know This Process Will Work For Me?

Police Officer Trained to Improve Force (Coming Soon)

Wait, You Can Actually Do This Over Zoom?

Certifications from Richard Bandler

Jay's Experience Clearing ADHD Symptoms